Dolphin Imaging Plus™

Dolphin Imaging software is an FDA-cleared Class II medical device

Imaging Plus è il cuore di tutti i prodotti della suite Dolphin. Permette di gestire con semplicità tutta la documentazione fotografica e radiografica dei pazienti. Accuratamente progettato dispone di un interfaccia amichevole e intuitiva che consente facilmente di catturare, recuperare, stampare e presentare le immagini del paziente.

Grazie al database relazionale Microsoft SQL offre una vasta capacità di ricerca e indicizzazione. Permette inoltre di redarre e stampare questionari anamnetsici, eseguire statistiche e condividere le informazioni con colleghi e pazienti.
Ottimizzato per la gestione multisede, software soddisfa anche i requisiti di autenticazione multipla richiesti dalle piu’ complesse infrastrutture informatiche.

One-click Capture

  • Snap your photos in sequence and Dolphin will automatically organize the images into a standard layout, such as composite of extraoral, intraoral and occlusal photos.
  • Preview, crop, rotate, enhance and align photos in a single screen.
  • Enhancements include brightness, contrast, gamma. hue, saturation, and red eye reduction.
  • Drag and drop images from your file folders into Dolphin.
  • Too busy to adjust the images? You can do it later using the Crop-later feature.
  • Option to automatically preserve the original, un-retouched images.

Importing of x-rays, slides and other images

  • Supports TWAIN-compliant input devices and is compatible with industry-standard image formats.
  • Optional x-ray integration software lets you automatically import digital x-ray images.

Orthodontic, Dental and Surgical Preview (optional)

  • Quickly re-contours the patient’s profile, such as the lower jaw, to show possible treatment outcome by clicking and dragging your mouse.
  • Simulates frontal views: maxillary impaction, mandibular reduction, etc.
  • Lets you completely refine your results with detailed drawing tools, blend brush and more.
  • Overlay images from a library of finished cases or teeth with a variety of appliances.
  • Demonstrate how the patient might look with braces on, with straight teeth, or after a bleaching procedure.

Movie Morphing

  • Movie Morphing feature lets you demonstrate the transformation from pretreatment to simulated or actual post-treatment results.

Slide Presentation

  • Slide show presentation of stored images in different formats and layouts.

Features and capabilities

  • Print any image (such as panoramic x-ray) in 1:1 life size with simple calibration.
  • Display ceph tracings created by Dolphin Imaging.
  • Easily transfer images and layouts to Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and other programs.
  • Compare images side-by-side.
  • Export to many image file formats, copy images to Windows Clipboard.
  • Email images to referrals.
  • 2D DICOM support (optional).

Requirements - Specifications